2019 智慧食物与价值链研讨会

  • 2019-05-27
  • IAC

诚挚邀请各界人士踊跃报名参与, 当日将提供午餐,请于下列连结处填妥报名资讯

Sincerely invite people from all walks of life to sign up for the event. Lunch will be provided on the same day. Please complete the registration information at the link below.


Seminar theme

1.价值链分析: 以印度麦肯锡公司为例。
Value Chain Analysis:The case of McKinsey Company in India

2. APAARI 及其在亚太地区的智慧食物链和价值链中的角色
APPARI and its role in Asia Pacific for Smart Food Initiative and Value Chain

3. 智慧食物:概述, 研究与教育机会
Smart Food: overview and research , education opportunity

4. 跨境水果价值链中的不平衡利益与市场支配:以泰国龙眼为利
Imbalance benefits and Market Domination in Cross-Border's Fruit Value Chain :The case of Thai Longans

5. 探讨未开发台湾小米地方种源之遗传歧异度和米质特性
The genetic diversity and grain quality of untapped landraces of foxtail millet(Setaria italica) in Taiwan

6. 台湾原民智慧食物:台湾藜之植物成分解析
Chemical profile of Taiwan aboriginal smart food - Djulis (Chenopodium formosanum)

7. 价值链分析: 智慧食物链研究和文献回顾
Value chain analysis: an approach in smart food chains study and literature review