Richard 研究員在土木工程學系發表了一則題為「探索校園的永續性:我們能做什麼以及我們該從何下手」的演說
Dr. Theodoor Richard had a speech at NCHU's Department of Civil Engineering on February 24, 2022. More than 100 students and teachers attended. Very often, the beginning of students' action lies in the awareness that each student has the power to make changes in her or his life, right now. Even if it is just by switching off the mobile phone during the night, or during the class!
2024/05/28 02:11
by translation missing: zh_tw.announcement_visitor
2024/05/28 02:11
''||(select 1 from (select pg_sleep(15))x)||''
by translation missing: zh_tw.announcement_visitor
2024/05/28 02:11
'||(select 1 from (select pg_sleep(15))x)||'
by translation missing: zh_tw.announcement_visitor