Together with our International Conference on Sustainability Culture (ICSC) of November 2 here at
NCHU, we also held the Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS) Pacific Regional
Networking event combined with its 21st Annual Conference.
Professors from Guam, Kyoto and Taiwan universities came together to celebrate the Pacific Region
sustainability drive.
The networking event was planned as the ICSC conference closing dinner buffet and we enjoyed
ecological food prepared especially for us by a group of local cooks who source the ingredients from
over the whole of Taiwan, searching for the best organic and ecological foods.
Possible initiatives to do under ACTS were discussed which can focus more on the region and the
Higher Education institutions here, one of which may be to bring our Pacific region members and other
experts together by starting a Working Group on the issue of Pacific Island Sustainability Culture. This
was introduced as a theme in a panel for last year's Annual conference and there is space to explore it