Under great public interest, our IAC Sustainability office launched the NCHU Green Campus Café on Saturday afternoon, November 5, 2022 at the NCHU Healing Garden area.
We served 50 free cups of coffee to our visitors as they browsed the flyers on the SDGs and learned about sustainability on campus.
The Green Campus Café event will return to the NCHU Healing Garden regularly to continue to foster awareness and engagement to make our campus more sustainable.
Great thanks to our Director Professor Wu, Chen-Fa, our ViceDean of CANR Professor Hwang Shaw-Yhi, and the NCHU Arcadia USR Hub Director Professor Pai, Hui-Chuan for their strong ongoing support and enthusiasm.
And of course, many thanks to the Arcadia USR Hub Officer Aurora and our sustainability crew, Ashley, Chelsea, and Leo, through whose great efforts it has a become a wonderful event.